Direct flights are not available between Visakhapatnam to Manali, and trains or bus are taking to long time. The distance between Visakhaptnam to Manali is approximate 2370 Km that takes time around 50 hours. The best and convenient way to reach Manali is via New Delhi by flight. After reaching New Delhi, you can book transport bus that drop you at Manali directly.
Visakhapatnam to Delhi Flight Schedule
Airlines | Flight Num | Departure | Arrival | Days |
(Visakhapatnam) | (Delhi) | |||
Air-India | AI-0452 | 7:50 | 10:20 | Regular |
Air-India | AI-0486 | 12:15 | 14:45 | tue/wed/fri/sun |
Air-India | AI-0488 | 15:15 | 17:25 | |
Indigo | 6E-2726 | 8:55 | 11:30 | Regular |
( Source )
Visakhapatnam to Delhi Trains & Timings
Train No | Train name | Train type | Runs on (From station) | From | Dep | To | Arr. | Travel time | |||||||
M | Tu | W | Th | F | Sa | Su | |||||||||
1 | 12807 | VSKP-NZM SAMTA EXP. | SUPERFAST | X | Y | Y | Y | X | Y | Y | VSKP | 6:25 | NZM | 16:45 | 34:20:00 |
2 | 12803 | VSKP-NZM SWARNAJAYANTI | SUPERFAST | Y | X | X | X | Y | X | X | VSKP | 8:20 | NZM | 17:10 | 32:50:00 |
3 | 22415 | SUPERFAST AC AP EXPRESS | MAIL EXP | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | VSKP | 8:35 | NDLS | 19:05 | 34:30:00 |
4 | 18507 | VSKP-ASR HIRAKUD EXP. | MAIL EXP | Y | X | X | Y | Y | X | X | VSKP | 23:50 | NZM | 14:15 | 38:25:00 |
( Source )
Mumbai to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 15,990/-
Mumbai to Manali Package @ 15990
Bangalore to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 16,990/-
Bangalore to Manali Package @ 16990
Ahmedabad to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 14,990/-
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