Flights are not available directly from Nashik to Manali, so there is change in transportation from New Delhi. First choose flight from Nashil to New Delhi and then choose public transport bus from New Delhi to Manali. This is only the convenient way to reach Manali from Nashik. You can make it more convenient with choosing Car from New Delhi that prices are higher in comparison to Bus.

Honeymoon Package for Manali and Shimla

Nashik to Delhi Flight Schedule

Airlines Flight Num Departure Arrival Days
(Nashik) (Delhi)
Jetair 9W-3566 14:35 16:25 Regular

( Source )

Nashik to Delhi Trains and Timings

Train No Train name Train type Runs on (From station) From Dep To Arr. Travel time Travel time
M Tu W Th F Sa Su
1 11057 AMRITSAR EXP MAIL EXP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NK 3:15 NDLS 4:15 25:00:00
2 12171 LTT – HW SUPER FAST EXP SUPERFAST Y X X Y X X X NK 11:05 NZM 6:55 19:50
3 12617 MANGALA LDWEEP SUPERFAST Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NK 16:40 NZM 13:15 20:35
4 22109 LTT NZM AC EXP SUPERFAST X Y X X X X X NK 17:30 NZM 10:40 17:10
5 22221 CSMT-NZM RAJDHANI EXP RAJDHANI X X Y X X Y X NK 18:45 NZM 10:05 15:20
6 12137 PUNJAB MAIL SUPERFAST Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NK 23:15 NDLS 21:25 22:10

( Source )

Manali honeymoon packages from Mumbai
Mumbai to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 15,990/-

Mumbai to Manali Package @ 15990

Manali honeymoon packages from Bangalore
Bangalore to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 16,990/-

Bangalore to Manali Package @ 16990

Manali honeymoon packages from Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad to Manali honeymoon package starting price for couple INR 14,990/-

Ahmedabad to Manali Package @ 14990